Due to the encouragement of working from home due to COVID-19, and staggered work hours to avoid close contact,
Telephone support is available from 10:00 to 17:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
If the staff is not available, please leave a message on the answering machine.
We will continue to respond to emails as usual, but depending on the situation, it may take up to a week for us to respond.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Inquiries about the SDGs logo
How to display the SDGs logo on the website, permission to post it on business cards and products, etc.
Permission to use the SDGs logo is granted only by the United Nations, which is the publisher.
Our organization is not in a position to answer.
For details and whether or not permission is required when using the logo,Guidelines for the United Nations Information Center websiteplease look at.