About the transition from "moving → moving"
"Move → Move" will hold an extraordinary general meeting on February 27, 2017, and on March 31, 2017, "Move → Move" will be dissolved, and the remaining assets will be transferred to the "SDGs Civil Society Network". decided. On May 19th, the fiscal 2016 accounting and business audit of "moving → moving" was conducted, and it was confirmed that the accounting and business were conducted properly until the dissolution. In addition, residual assets of 2,288,062 yen were transferred to the bank account of the "SDGs Civil Society Network".
Please see here for the confirmation letter regarding the transfer of residual assets and other materials.
Financial statements for the past five years
financial statement
Cooperating organizations, companies, and individuals
(1) Membership fees from members
From members participating in the SDGs civil society networkmembership fee(List of members)Thank you for
I am engaged in daily activities.
(2) Junior Chamber International Tachikawa
Kids Dream Challenge 2017ofdonate sales proceedsItadakimasu (2107).
(3) Resona Bank, Ltd.
Resona Bank"Nationwide CSR Private Placement Bonds -Japan Expo/SDGs Support Fund-”from December 15, 2017
startdeath,SDGs JapanSelected as destination(from 2017).
(4) NGO-Union International Collaborative Forum
NGO-Trade Union International Collaborative Forum*¹Campaign support money(2017/2018),
Efforts to disseminate and raise awareness of SDGs.
*¹ What is the NGO-Union International Collaborative Forum?(Special Activities) International Cooperation NGO Center (JANIC)When
Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rengo) General International Bureauis an organization operated by a joint secretariat.
(5) Kumamoto Project
Hottonai Kumamoto Projectofdonate surplus assetsThank you. (September 2017)
“Platform Grant” and“Environmental NGO/NPO young professionalSupport for training project leaders(2019Every time
), we are strengthening domestic and international cooperation and making policy recommendations for the mainstreaming of SDGs in Japan.vinegar.