Masaaki Ohashi
Visiting Researcher, Institute for Global Symbiosis, University of the Sacred Heart
Professor Emeritus, Keisen University
Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) Director (Former Representative Director)
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From 1980 to 1987, Shapla Neer was stationed in Bangladesh and was the secretary general of the Citizens' Overseas Cooperation Association. From 1990 to 1993, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the Japanese Red Cross Society were stationed in Bangladesh. , 14-22 Professor at Sacred Heart Women's University. His main publications include "The World of NPOs and NGOs" (co-edited and authored, The Open University of Japan, 2021), "Studying SDGs" (co-edited and authored, Law Bunka-sha, 2018), "66 Chapters for Understanding Bangladesh (3rd Edition)" ( Co-edited and authored, Akashi Shoten, 2017), Non-War Dialogue, NGO (Co-edited and authored, Shinhyoron, 2017).
Expectations for SDGs Japan
Not only is the bizarre climate familiar, war has broken out in Ukraine, and the poor in the south are threatening starvation. Because of this war and Corona, world poverty has increased for the first time since the war.
Every day I feel that there is no future for us without realizing the SDGs. While many governments and people around us have SDGs as slogans, I would like to continue raising my voice to realize the SDGs.

Atsuko Miwa
Director, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (Hurights Osaka)
(Special Activities) Representative Director of Kansai NGO Council
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Gender, development, and humanitarian support at the External Affairs Department of the Japanese Red Cross (currently the International Department), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (currently UN Women) Asia-Pacific Bangkok Office, an international cooperation consulting company, and the Global Human Rights Research Center. , has been involved in supporting the implementation of various programs in the field of human rights, as well as conducting surveys and research. A member of the SDGs promotion roundtable. 2019C20 Co-Chair. 2022 W7 Advisor.
Expectations for SDGs Japan
Accelerate action! The new coronavirus infection and the Ukraine crisis that occurred at that time. Combined with the already existing climate crisis, the SDGs face a grim future. But that's why sdgs once again. The SDGs do not have a do-or-no-do option. If we don't do it, we have no future.
In order to overcome poverty and hunger without leaving anyone behind, include diversity in terms of gender, disability, nationality, ethnicity, etc., and secure human rights while achieving the SDGs, we need a sense of coexistence and solidarity, and the experience of citizens. and knowledge are essential.

Katsushi Imada
Executive Director, CSO Network
Representative Director, Social Impact Management Initiative (SIMI)
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He has held NPO/NGO management positions for about 25 years in the field of strengthening civil society in Japan and overseas, including the United States (6 years) and South Africa (5.5 years). From 2010 to 2015, civil society was involved in the United Nations process for formulating the SDGs. Since around 2016, he has been focusing on the spread of impact management, and currently serves as a member of the “Study Group on Impact Investment” of the Financial Services Agency/GSG domestic advisory committee, director of the Japan Evaluation Society, and chairman of the training committee. SDG Impact Criteria Training Certified Trainer from August 2022.
Expectations for SDGs Japan
As 2030 draws near, bold actions and solidarity that go beyond the standpoints and circumstances of all people in all sectors are required. I feel

Mikiko Ohtani
After graduating from Sophia University in 1987, he has been a lawyer since 1990. He became interested in human rights education and learned about the Convention on the Rights of the Child. After returning to Japan, while working as a lawyer, he worked on human rights issues for children, women, and foreigners, human rights education, and international human rights activities in Japan and overseas through NGO activities. Since 2017, he has been the first Japanese member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, and since 2021, its chairman.
Expectations for SDGs Japan
The SDGs were adopted by the United Nations in 2015, and countries, civil society, companies, and individuals around the world are working to achieve the goals by 2030. I think that the role of entities such as the SDGs civil society network is important in determining how to connect them. Also, through our efforts to achieve the SDGs, we would like to play a role from the perspective of human rights and gender so that each and every one of us can recognize our role as global citizens and be empowered.

Masahiro Koizumi
Born in Kanagawa Prefecture, lives in Sapporo, Hokkaido. He has been in charge of the administrative office of Sapporo Free School "Yu" since its establishment (1990). Since 2003, we have been working on education for sustainable development (ESD), and since 2020, we have been implementing the Hokkaido Major Group Project. In addition, he is involved in lectures, research and proposal projects on the theme of restoring the rights of the Ainu people. In addition, NANCiS (Civil Society Space NGO Action Network) organizer, Ainu Policy Review Citizen Conference Steering Committee, Hokkaido NGO Network Council Director, Rakuno Gakuen University part-time lecturer, etc.
Expectations for SDGs Japan
Creating a "sustainable and fair society" is undoubtedly necessary for us living in today's world. I believe that the SDGs will be a clue and a stepping stone for us to move toward that goal. What has created unfair and unsustainable conditions?
We believe that looking back on the history of our communities and people will help us to outline the ideal future. Let's learn and walk together.

Yurika Morii
Executive Director, Japan Youth Platform for a Sustainable Society
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While majoring in International Relations at Durham University, UK, she started working as a secretariat member of Japan Youth Platform for a Sustainable Society in April 2022. She organized a side event at the 3rd International Conference on Enhancing Synergy between the Paris Agreement and SDGs, and was one of the panelists at the main conference. 7 Summit, she conducted an interview with Ms. Ogura, Minister of State for Gender Equality, as a youth representative.
Expectations for SDGs Japan
In considering the future progress of the SDGs, I believe that there is an even greater need to strengthen cross-generational and cross-sectoral information sharing and cooperation. Through the activities of SDGs Japan, which brings together Japanese civil society organizations active in a wide range of fields, we hope to think and act in cooperation with you on how we can work together beyond the boundaries of fields and sectors to realize a sustainable society in which no one is left behind.

Yukiko Nakanishi
Based on my work experience in the international field of disability and development at the Secretariat of the Japan Promotion Council for the International Year of Disabled Persons, the Secretariat of the DPI Asia-Pacific Block Council, and the Social Development Department of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Through international cooperation activities at the Disability Institute and its parent organization, the DPI Japan Conference, he is mainly engaged in the development of leaders of persons with disabilities in Asia and Africa. We will also carry out enlightenment activities to increase interest in disability issues in the international arena.
Expectations for SDGs Japan
I would like to focus on promoting the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities through the activities of persons with disabilities and SDGs in Japan and overseas, and share the strategies developed by the disability movement with other people who are being left behind so as not to be left behind. In addition, the problems of those left behind were often addressed through spokespersons. In the activities of SDGs Japan, I would like to see more opportunities for people concerned to speak out directly. It should be possible for them to work out their own strategies to avoid being left behind.

Miki Nagashima
Doctor of Political Science. Participated in refugee support activities while researching refugee acceptance policies in developed countries. After that, he was involved in the management of various NGOs and foundations. At SDGs Japan, he is in charge of dissemination and enlightenment projects, and manages group public relations and event planning. In addition to serving as a commentator for Asahi Shimbun Digital, he has also been active as an expert member of the Cabinet Office Gender Equality Promotion Liaison Council since August 2009.
Author of "FGM (female genital mutilation) and issues surrounding the concept of gender-based persecution: A study from the perspective of feminist international law" (Waseda University Press).
Expectations for SDGs Japan
The SDGs are a gateway to learning about the world and taking action. We can show people both inside and outside the company how we can show the entrance to various people and lead to action, how we can concretely proceed toward the "continuing world" through the organization, and how we think the "continuing world" should be. I hope we can expand our activities.

Eriko Nitta
(no company) SDGs Civil Society Network Director/Secretary General
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Born in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture. After working for private companies and environmental NPOs, he joined the Japan NPO Center in 1998. From 2014 to 2017, he was the secretary general of the organization. Since 2017, he has held concurrent posts at SDGs Japan and the Japan NPO Center, and has been in his current position since April 2019. In addition to consulting, training, and giving lectures on the promotion of SDGs, he is developing activities that emphasize multi-stakeholder processes, making use of his experience in planning and operating collaborative programs with industry, government, and NPOs. Kyoto Seika University Councilor, Science and Technology (JST) STI for SDGs Judge, Adachi Ward Cooperation/Co-creation Partner Fund Examination Chair, Hosei University Faculty of Human Environment Part-time Lecturer, etc.
Expectations for SDGs Japan
By working together with SDGs Japan, civil society organizations that are already active will further deepen their activities and let more people know about them. We hope that we can function as a network organization that can There is not much time left until the deadline. We will vigorously promote the development of activities that make use of each other's strengths.

Asako Kondo
Executive Officer, General Manager of Organization Promotion Headquarters, Japan Federation of Co-operative Associations
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After graduating from university, joined Co-op Kobe in 1993. He experienced the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake when he was in charge of the delivery center on Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture. Shee experienced the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake when he was in charge of the delivery center on Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture. She was in charge of planning and implementation of the Co-op's youth activities, human resource development in the Human Resources Department, store manager, and management of the accommodation and training facility “Kyodo Gakuen”. In 2018, she was transferred to the Japan Co-operative Union, a national solidarity organization of co-ops. In 2018, she was seconded to Japan Co-operative Union, a national solidarity organization of co-ops, to be in charge of “National Co-op and Human Resource Development Support Center”. Once he returned to Coop Kobe, she was in charge of the district headquarters. She returned to Co-op Kobe to take charge of the regional headquarters, and was transferred to the Japan Co-operative Union again in 2022.
Expectations for SDGs Japan
I hope that organizations and individuals with various fields, knowledge, and experience will be able to move forward while connecting with each other.
I also hope to see the activities and initiatives in which each individual participates as a member of civil society

Tomoko Hoshino
After graduating from university, he got a job at an environmental organization. Participated in the 2002 United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) promotion campaign, the 2010 biodiversity COP10 citizen network, and the launch and operation of the Rio+20 Earth Summit NGO Liaison Committee. . Involved in the operation of the Global Environment Partnership Plaza since 2003. In his current position, he promotes partnerships such as promoting and disseminating SDGs and creating opportunities for dialogue. Serves as a member of the Ministry of the Environment's SDGs Stakeholders Meeting, as a member of the Board of Directors of the Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, the National Organic Agriculture Promotion Council, and the Africa-Japan Council.
Expectations for SDGs Japan
The climate crisis, the destruction of ecosystems, the ever-increasing amount of garbage... If we don't act now, this planet will really become a difficult planet to live in.
At the same time that each and every one of us reviews our daily lives, it is essential that we convey the voices of citizens to policy makers and the business world. I want to play a role in conveying the voices of citizens, future generations, and other living creatures so that no one is left behind.

Tokihisa Motoki
Executive Officer, General Manager of Organization Promotion Headquarters, Japan Federation of Co-operative Associations
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After graduating from university, in 1989, joined the Nada Kobe Co-op (currently Coop Kobe). Engaged in reforming the home delivery business since 2003 after working in the home delivery field. After launching the dinner support business in 2011, he has been in charge of organizational reform since 2012. In June 2018, he was seconded to the Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union, and was in charge of the Household Goods Division, and from September 2020, he was in charge of the General Management Division. Since March 2022, he has been in charge of SDGs, union member activities, social and regional activities, disaster relief, and consumer policy at the Organization Promotion Headquarters (current position).
Expectations for SDGs Japan
The SDGs have 17 goals and 169 targets. The government, companies, NPOs and NGOs, and each and every one of us, will work to achieve these goals. In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary for each of us to have an interest and understanding, to express and implement specific initiatives, and to confirm the degree of achievement. And most importantly, everyone works together. I expect the SDGs civil society network to be the cornerstone of that effort, and I would like to fulfill my duties as one of those involved.

Tomoko Hoshino
After graduating from university, he got a job at an environmental organization. Participated in the 2002 United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) promotion campaign, the 2010 biodiversity COP10 citizen network, and the launch and operation of the Rio+20 Earth Summit NGO Liaison Committee. . Involved in the operation of the Global Environment Partnership Plaza since 2003. In his current position, he promotes partnerships such as promoting and disseminating SDGs and creating opportunities for dialogue. Serves as a member of the Ministry of the Environment's SDGs Stakeholders Meeting, as a member of the Board of Directors of the Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, the National Organic Agriculture Promotion Council, and the Africa-Japan Council.
Expectations for SDGs Japan
The climate crisis, the destruction of ecosystems, the ever-increasing amount of garbage... If we don't act now, this planet will really become a difficult planet to live in.
At the same time that each and every one of us reviews our daily lives, it is essential that we convey the voices of citizens to policy makers and the business world. I want to play a role in conveying the voices of citizens, future generations, and other living creatures so that no one is left behind.