About SDGs Japan

SDGs Civil Society Network Member List (as of April 2022)
Group overview
The SDGs Civil Society Network (abbreviation: SDGs Japan) is a Japanese CSO (civil society organization), NGO (non-governmental organization), and NPO (specific NPO) network organization. (acquired corporate status in February 2017)
The society and role that SDGs Japan aims for
- Vision of a sustainable society in an era of change -
We aim to create a society in which all people, including future generations, are free from poverty, inequality, discrimination, various forms of violence, and health concerns.It is a peaceful and just society that is liberated, respects the diversity of individuals, lives in harmony with the natural environment, and enjoys affluence and human rights.In that society, education, training, employment, health and medical services, access to information,Rights such as participation in the decision-making process at all levels, including the local community, are guaranteed.
~ Realizing a “Sustainable World” without leaving anyone behind: Role of SDGs Japan ~
To create a sustainable world, it is necessary to approach the environment, society and economy in an integrated manner to achieve fundamental transformation, including systemic transformation.At the same time as encouraging individual behavioral change,Working closely with the people and groups of people who tend to be structurally marginalized and vulnerable in society,Together with our diverse citizens, we must act now, leaving no one behind.The world will become unsustainable.In order to encourage individual behavioral change and at the same time create a system that makes the environment, society and economy sustainable,The SDGs Civil Society Network, together with the concerned parties, will collaborate with various stakeholders in Japan and overseas and in each region to call for action.
Three pillars of activity
(1) Policy proposal activities:
By sending three civil society representatives from member organizations to the SDGs promotion round table set up by the Japanese government in 2016, we will reach out to the Japanese government and political parties, as well as take advantage of opportunities such as international conferences, study groups, and symposiums. , we are engaged in advocacy activities for the realization of SDGs from the perspective of civil society. In addition, the international network related to SDGs is also disseminating information for the realization of SDGs from Japan.
(2) Promotion of cooperation with regions and other sectors:
It is impossible to achieve the SDGs through the efforts of civil society alone. SDGs Japan is promoting cooperation with private companies, research institutes, the government, and administration by actively promoting cooperation with local governments and local NGOs, dispatching lecturers, and consulting on SDGs.
③Dissemination and enlightenment of SDGs:
In addition to regularly informing the activities of organizations, SDGs Japan introduces various issues related to SDGs through opportunities such as distribution of media articles, original information dissemination, and events. We are giving you the opportunity to act.
Official name General Incorporated Association SDGs Civil Society Network (Abbreviation: SDGs Japan)
English name: Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs (abbreviation: SDGs Japan)
Established April 20, 2016 (acquired corporate status: February 27, 2017)
History of SDGs Japan
2013 Established as a "post-2015 NGO platform" to reflect the voices of Japanese citizens in multilateral negotiations for the formation of the SDGs, and is responsible for dialogue between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japanese civil society.
2013-15 Discussions on SDGs negotiations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (15 times in total), dialogue with Amina Mohammed Post 2015 Special Advisor to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (2 times) It plays a role of coordinator of Japanese civil society. In September 2015, he also participated in the UN SDGs adoption summit in New York.
April 2016 Reorganized as "SDGs Civil Society Network". 11 sectoral groups, such as development, environment, disability, and gender, have started initiatives to realize the SDGs.
September 2016 Dispatched three members to the “SDGs Promotion Round Table Conference” established by the government. Proactive policy advocacy activities for the formulation of the government's "SDGs implementation guidelines". A joint press conference was held with representatives of governments, international organizations, the private sector and academia when the guidelines were established in December.
November 2016 Event "Future 2030 in Japan" held. Hiroto Izumi, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, and other leading figures in promoting the SDGs in the government, parliamentarians, private companies, and academia, peacefully expressed their determination to promote the SDGs with the comedian "Long Long" as moderator.
February 2017 “SDGs Civil Society Network” (SDGs Japan) established
activity report(2017-19, PDF)
International collaboration UNGC (United Nations Global Compact)(signed in 2020)
SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network)(joined in 2020)
Asia Development Alliance(joined in 2020)
Global Call to Action Against Poverty(2017年加盟)
Domestic collaboration Global Compact Network Japan(joined in 2020)
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Joined Future Earth Japan Global Hub(joined in 2020)
Location 〒102-0072 1-7-10 Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Sankyo Building Main Building 604
Contact Phone:03-5357-1773 FAX:03-5357-1774
email address:office@sdgs-japan.net
Access 6-minute walk from Kudanshita Station on the Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line, Tozai Line, and Toei Shinjuku Line
6 minute walk from Iidabashi Station on the JR Sobu Line, Tokyo Metro Tozai Line, Yurakucho Line, Namboku Line, Toei Oedo Line
In order to achieve the SDGs, SDGs Japan will make policy proposals and actions, raise awareness and disseminate SDGs, strengthen cooperation with private companies, academia, international organizations, governments, etc. working on SDGs, and make proposals and advice. We will work on research and research.
■Business unit system
We have prepared a "business unit" system as a framework for working with multiple organizations on issues such as health, education, poverty and inequality, as well as regional and community issues. At present, monthly business management meetings are held with the participation of the secretary groups of the 11 units, where the progress of the activities of the units is shared and opinions are exchanged regarding policy advocacy activities.
For application to join the unitSDGs Japan SecretariatPlease contact us.
■ Membership system
We have prepared a wide range of membership systems so that many organizations promoting the SDGs can work together.Inquiries and applications regarding the membership systemhere.
How it works
Participating organizations participate in "business units" and work on projects to achieve SDGs in line with fields related to SDGs and in order to realize SDGs in the regions and communities where they operate. Currently, 12 units are active, including those under preparation. Please contact the secretariat for the activities of each unit and how to participate.
(1) Development Unit (General Development and Development Funding Unit for Developing Countries)
Secretariat organization and secretary name:International Cooperation NGO Center Aoi Horiuchi, World Vision Japan Tetsuko Shibata, Save the Children Japan Yumiko Horie
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):We are making policy proposals to improve issues related to Japan's ODA, international cooperation, and SDGs 16 and 17, and to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs in line with the SDGs philosophy of "no one is left behind." Issues of trade investment and technology transfer will also be addressed from a development perspective. It actively participates in UN processes such as the UN General Assembly, HLPF, and APFSD, as well as international processes such as the G7/G20 and OECD-DAC, and collaborates with and contributes to international civil society networks. Regular meetings of about two hours are held once in the middle of every month, and study sessions and opinion exchange meetings are held irregularly.
Number of participating groups/individuals (as of September 2021):21 groups, 46 people
Participating in the unit:We welcome organizations that are interested in making policy proposals through the collaboration of multiple organizations. We encourage you to attend one of our monthly meetings whenever possible.
(2) Environment unit
Secretariat organization/secretary name:"Environment and Sustainable Society" Research Center Jiro Adachi (JACSES), Environmental Partnership Conference Tomoko Hoshino
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):A unit of NGOs working mainly on environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity, and formation of a recycling-oriented society, as well as education and regional issues. Share information on environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity, formation of a recycling-oriented society, and chemical substances, participate in related meetings, and make policy recommendations.
Study sessions, opinion exchange meetings, etc. are held two to three times a year. Since the size, region, and activity history of member organizations vary, we try to share information at each meeting. -
Number of participating organizations (as of September 2021): 21 groups
Participating in the unit:We are waiting for the participation of non-profit organizations interested in information sharing and policy proposals regarding domestic and international environmental issues.
(3) Education Unit
Secretariat organization and secretary name:Education Cooperation NGO Network Takashi Miyake
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):Policy proposals, public relations and enlightenment on SDG4 (education: including both international and domestic issues), and monitoring of the implementation status of SDG4 in the implementation guidelines of the Japanese government. International consists of 21 NGOsEducation Cooperation NGO Network (JNNE)However, regarding domestic issuesDevelopment Education Associationis at the center of its activities.
Number of participating organizations (As of September 2021):5 organizations, but 21 organizations are members of JNNE.
Participating in the unit:We are looking forward to the participation of organizations working on international educational cooperation and domestic issues in education.
(4) Global Health Unit
Secretariat organization and secretary name:Water aid Japan Kaoru Takahashi
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):Consisting of NGO members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/NGO Council on GII/IDI (commonly known as the GII/IDI Council), which is active in the fields of health and medical care, especially for vulnerable people in Japan and overseas. there is Study sessions, opinion exchange meetings, etc. are held once a month.
Number of participating organizations (as of September 2021):30 groups
Participating in the unit:You can also participate in the Global Health Unit by joining the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs/NGO Council/NGO Liaison Committee on GII/IDI" where NGOs working on global health gather.
(5) Social Responsibility (SR) Unit
Secretariat organization and secretary name:Yoshiaki Horie, Society for Aid and Relief, Hideto Kawakita, International Institute for Humans, Organizations and the EarthHokkaido International Exchange Center Makoto Ikeda, Hiroshima NPO Center Hiroki Matsubara
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):Encourage all organizations to improve their social responsibility and trust and solve problems through multi-stakeholder processes."NPO/NGO Network for Improving Social Responsibility (NN Net)"A unit based on We will also actively promote links with regional roundtable meetings and SDGs.
The secretary's meeting is held about six times a year, and study sessions are held about four times a year. -
Number of participating organizations (as of September 2021):25 organizations
Participating in the unit:Participating organizations of NN Net must be registered with NN Net as they constitute Social Responsibility Units. Every organization conducts various activities with the aim of increasing social responsibility and trust and creating a livable society. We welcome the participation of NPOs/NGOs that think and act together.
(6) Gender Unit
Secretariat organization and secretary name:JOICFP Fumie Saito, Japan Women's Watch Organization (JAWW) Yukiko Oda
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):Individuals and organizations interested in exchanging information related to gender issues participate, and exchange information to achieve the SDGs from a gender perspective. Hold study sessions (once or twice a year) to promote proposals and approaches to domestic policies and international cooperation so that gender perspectives become mainstream both in Japan and abroad, and gender equality is achieved.
Number of participating organizations and individuals (as of September 2021): 561 people (including 25 groups)
Participating in the unit:Anyone interested in gender issues can participate regardless of whether they are an individual or an organization. If possible, please actively send to ML.
(7) Faulty unit
Secretariat organization and secretary name:DPI Japan Conference Kohei Horiba
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):We aim to protect the rights of people with disabilities, equal opportunities for social participation, and promote social inclusion through participation in the SDGs Japan Project Management Committee, statements announced externally as a network, and input into documents.
Number of participating organizations (As of September 2021):1 group
(8) Regional Unit
Secretariat organization and secretary name:Okayama NPO Center Tatsuya Ishihara, Japan NPO Center Eiji Ueda
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):Implementation of policy proposals and sharing of information for achieving SDGs so that efforts to achieve the SDGs will be disseminated and implemented with a focus on the region. (1) Policy proposals for achieving SDGs from the region, (2) Information exchange, sharing, learning and exchange opportunities for implementing policy proposals for achieving SDGs from the region, (3) SDGs from the region Collecting and disseminating information on achievement, (4) promotion of cooperation and cooperation in the region to achieve SDGs from the region, (5) other projects necessary for the goals of the regional units
We hold regional unit meetings for two hours in the morning on the second Thursday of every month. -
Number of participating groups/individuals (as of September 2021):29 groups, 1 person
Participating in the unit:We welcome organizations that are working mainly on a prefectural or municipal level in order to expand their efforts in each region.
(9) Business and Human Rights Unit
Secretariat organization and secretary name:International Cooperation NGO Center Hideki Wakabayashi
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):network organizationBusiness and Human Rights Civil Society Platform, a unit that gathers NGOs active in the fields related to business and human rights. At the time of its inception, it has made proposals from civil society regarding the formulation of national action plans by the Japanese government, and carried out awareness-raising activities on the concept of business and human rights. After formulating the national action plan, while discussing issues related to the implementation process, each organization also implemented its own actions and continues to make recommendations to the government. A board meeting is held once a month to exchange opinions.
Number of participating organizations (as of September 2021):18 groups
Participating in the unit:We are looking forward to the participation of organizations that are active in business and human rights, and organizations that are interested in their activities.
(10) Poverty Unit (Domestic Poverty/Disparity Unit) <Under preparation>
Responsible:Independent Living Support Center Moyai Onishiren
(11) Disaster prevention/mitigation unit
Secretariat organization and secretary name:Japan CSO Network for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Nobuyuki Asai, Akiko Komura
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):Diverse, multi-regional organizations working in the field of disaster prevention and mitigation participate.Japan CSO Network for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (JCC-DDR)is the mother organization, and we are currently coordinating the participation of other organizations in the unit. Implement activities and monitoring to achieve the targets of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, a global guideline for disaster risk reduction to 2030, and the SDGs related to disaster risk reduction and mitigation. Aiming to create a disaster-resilient society, he communicates the lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident to the world, and presents policy proposals and international conferences that are in harmony with international trends.
Number of participating organizations (as of September 2021):1 group
Participating in the unit:Groups based in other regions are especially welcome, as many are from Tokyo and Tohoku.
(12) Youth Unit
Secretariat organization and secretary name:Japan Youth Platform for Sustainable Society Chika Suzuki
Overview (characteristics and activities of participating organizations):Youth and related entities in Japan will monitor and evaluate domestic and international policies for the realization of the SDGs, and achieve active and effective participation in related international conferences, consultations and negotiations. With the goal. Therefore, while participating in youth activities, we will appropriately gather opinions in each field related to youth, formulate and propose policies that are in line with the viewpoint of youth, and raise awareness in society. Secretariat meetings are held twice a month (on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays), general meetings are held once a year, and general meetings are held as needed.
Number of participating groups/individuals (as of September 2021):51 groups, 569 people
Participating in the unit:Organizations run by young people under the age of 30 or organizations that work with young people under the age of 30 in some way can participate._d04a07d8-9cd1-3239-9149b__d04a07d8-9cd1-3239b_0439b
Business structure
Organization Officer <Term of office from June 2022>

Representative Director
Masaaki Ohashi
Atsuko Miwa
Visiting Professor, The Open University of Japan / Director, NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC)
Director, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center (Hurights Osaka)
Tatsuya Ishihara
Katsushi Imada
Mikiko Otani
Koizumi Masahiro
Chika Suzuki
Yukiko Nakanishi
Miki Nagashima
Eriko Nitta
Asako Kondo
Tomoko Hoshino
NPO Okayama NPO Center Representative Director
Executive Director, CSO Network / Social Impact・Representative Director of Management Initiative
Lawyer, Otani & Partners Law Office
NPO Sapporo Free School "Yu" Director and Secretary General
Executive Director, Japan Youth Platform for a Sustainable Society
Certified NPO DPI Japan Conference Vice Chairman
Certified NPO Malaria No More Japan Director
(one company) SDGs Civil Society Network Secretary General
Executive Officer, General Manager of Organization Promotion Headquarters, Japan Federation of Co-operative Associations
Deputy Representative Director, Environmental Partnership Council
Asami Tetsu
Tetsuji Tanaka
Tax accountant, Kojimachi tax payment savings association federation Chairman
Representative Director, Global Solidarity Tax Forum
executive director
Eriko Nitta
(one company)SDGs civil society network
Business management meeting facilitator
It consists of the person in charge of the "unit" responsible for the activities of the field, region, etc. and the secretariat, etc. We have established a project management meeting to coordinate each unit and participating NGOs. A facilitator is appointed to ensure the effective implementation of the business management meeting.
Affiliated organizations, etc. (corporation omitted)
Eiji Ueda
Risa Endo
Japan NPO Center
"Environment and Sustainable Society" Research Center
* 1 person from other developing country development general/development fund unit
Kaori Kuroda
(one company) SDGs Civil Society Network Former Representative Director
Secretariat staff
Eriko Nitta
executive director
Mariko Komatsu
Advocacy Coordinator
Yuki Matsuno