“SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are comprehensive goals with a deadline of 2030. ” was adopted.
The goals of the SDGs are to “eliminate global poverty” and “realize a sustainable world.”
To that end, we can roughly divide it into five Ps: People = Eliminate global poverty / Prosperity = Create a sustainable economy / Planet = Protect and nurture the environment / Peace = Create a system / There are 17 goals in 5 fields consisting of Partnership (creating funds and cooperative relationships for realization)
*You can see the 5 areas by clicking the SDGs logo at the bottom).
The agreement document "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", which includes this, states that "the world cannot stand on its own" with the global challenges of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Based on a strong sense of urgency, we aim to solve various problems from the ground up in order to protect the environment, transform the economy into a sustainable one, and create a fair and stable society.
The SDGs are universal goals that not only developing countries but also developed countries, including Japan, are expected to achieve.
In the process of formulating the SDGs, civil society promotes policies such as promoting economic growth and innovation. I have been working hard.
We, the general incorporated association SDGs Civil Society Network (SDGs Civil Society Network, SDGs Japan) is active.
<For those who want to know more about SDGs>
There are many other websites that introduce the SDGs.
"Sustainable Development Goals" and "SDGs"Let's search!
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<Inquiries about the SDGs logo>
How to display the SDGs logo on the website, permission to post it on business cards and products, etc.
Permission to use the SDGs logo is granted only by the United Nations, which is the publisher.
Our organization is not in a position to answer.
For details and whether or not permission is required when using the logo,Guidelines for the United Nations Information Center websiteplease look at.