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W7 ジャパン2023





 私たち、W7(Women7)ジャパン2023は、G7の公式エンゲージメントグループのひとつとして、「ジェンダー平等を基盤とする平等で公正で平和な未来の構築(Equal, Just, and Peaceful Future)」を訴えてきました。2023年4月に私たちが発表したW7コミュニケで強調したように、平和とは、戦争がない状態にとどまりません。平和の実現には、非暴力の原則に基づき、あらゆる多様性を有する女性と少女、また多様な性的指向・性自認・ジェンダー表現・性的特徴(SOGIESC)を生きる人々を周縁化し排除する構造的暴力と不正義を克服することが不可欠です。






  • 世界のいかなる場所においても、力又は威圧により、平穏に確立された領域の状況を変更しようとするいかなる一方的な試みにも強く反対し、武力の行使による領土の取得は禁止されていることを再確認する(第2段落)。

  • 普遍的人権、ジェンダー平等及び人間の尊厳を促進する(第2段落)。

  • 平和、安定及び繁栄を促進するための国連の役割を含む多国間主義及び国際協力の重要性を改めて表明する(第2段落)。



  • 特に脆弱な状況にある妊産婦、新生児、乳幼児及び青少年を含む全ての人のSRHR(性と生殖に関する健康と権利)を更に推進することにコミットする(第34段落)。

  • 女性・平和・安全保障(WPS)フォーカル・ポイント・ネットワークとのパートナーシップ及び国家行動計画の策定への支援を通じて、防災(DRR)への適用を含むWPSアジェンダの前進、実施及び強化並びに交差的アプローチの推進にコミットする(第43段落)。

  • 紛争に関連した性的暴力及びジェンダーに基づく暴力を撲滅するための取組の強化及びサバイバー中心のアプローチを用いて、被害者及びサバイバーに包括的な支援と意義のある参加を提供する重要性にコミットする(第43段落)。


G7各国のジェンダー平等大臣らは、WPS アジェンダへの確固としたコミットメントと、平和、安全保障、災害リスク削減(DRR)の達成への貢献を改めて表明しました。(ジェンダー平等と全ての女性と女児のエンパワーメントに関するG7ジェンダー平等大臣共同声明「日光声明」




  • 外交、安全保障、防衛、貿易、人道支援、開発など、あらゆる外交に一貫性を持たせ、市民社会に対して説明責任を果たしうるFFPの採択と実施に努めること。

  • 特にCEDAWとその選択議定書、「女性の平和と安全保障アジェンダ」、「若者の平和と安全保障アジェンダ」、「移住のためのグローバル・コンパクト」などの国際人権基準にかかわる国連の枠組を完全かつ効果的に実施すること。

  • 女性・平和・安全保障に関する行動計画」の4つの柱(平和プロセスへの参加、経済的安全保障、リーダーシップと主体性、女性の人権保護)へのコミットメントを確認し、アジェンダのすべての要素にわたって資金を増額すること。

  • 軍事・防衛費を削減し、人身取引や性暴力、ジェンダーに基づく暴力など、女性と女児への不均衡な影響を助長する小型軽武器の不正な流れを規制するための共同声明に従うこと。

  • 軍事費を削減し、二国間政府開発援助(ODA)資金の 100%を、ジェンダー平等を目的とする、または統合するプログラムに支出する。

  • ODA 資金の少なくとも 20%をジェンダー平等を主目的とするプログラムに、少なくとも 10%を地域で活動する団体を含むフェミニスト団体や女性主導の NGOに拠出すること。





26 December 2023

W7 Japan 2023


Statement of W7 Japan 2023

Calling for Peace based on Gender Equality

and on Principle of Non-Violence


As an official engagement group of the G7, W7 (Women 7) Japan 2023 has been calling for an “Equal, Just, and Peaceful Future.”As we emphasised in the W7 Communiqué, we firmly believe that peace is more than the absence of war. It requires the dismantling of structural violence and injustice that marginalize certain groups of people, especially women and girls in all their diversity, and persons of diverse SOGIESC.


At the time of the completion of Japan's G7 presidency, we are facing a world where regional and domestic conflicts are rampant, the civilian death toll is skyrocketing, and violence is ferociously escalating. Women are desperately seeking safe shelters, food and basic everyday necessities, and health/medical care for herself and family members. Children are being deprived of an environment that secures their well-being and sound development including opportunities for education. Keeping in mind the fact that women are disproportionately affected and bear the brunt of calamity in conflict situations, we once again have to address that experiences and voices of women should be heard and be reflected in every stage of processes to restore peace, which we believe forms a crucial component of Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda. 


W7 Japan 2023 calls on the G7 Leaders’ immediate and effective implementation of commitments in the G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communiqué as well as the Ministerial Communiqués and Statements to build an equal, just, and peaceful future.


Let us remind the G7 Leaders what they promised to work together upon.


In the G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communiqué, the G7 Leaders committed to champion international principles and shared values by:


  • Strongly opposing any unilateral attempts to change the peacefully established status of territories by force or coercion anywhere in the world and reaffirming that the acquisition of territory by force is prohibited. (para.2)

  • Promoting universal human rights, gender equality and human dignity. (para.2)

  • Reiterating the importance of multilateralism including the role of UN and international cooperation in promoting peace, stability and prosperity. (para.2)


The Leaders also committed to:


  • Further promoting comprehensive SRHR for all individuals, including maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health, especially in vulnerable situations. (para.34)

  • Advancing, implementing and strengthening the WPS Agenda including its application to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), through partnership with the WPS-Focal Points Network and support for National Action Plan development, and to promote intersectional approaches. (para.43)

  • Strengthening our efforts to eliminate conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence, and the importance of providing comprehensive support and meaningful participation for victims and survivors, using a survivor-centered approach. (para.43)


The G7 Gender Equality Ministers reiterated the steadfast commitment to the WPS agenda and its contributions to achieving peace, security, and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). (Joint Statement of the G7 Gender Equality Ministers)


While W7 welcomes initiatives of the Government of Japan  including the WPS event recently held in Tokyo, we regret to mention that the concrete measures, funding and implementation are yet to be seen. Moreover, we would like to expect G7’s stronger, time-sensitive, and more concrete implementations of their commitments beyond the WPS agenda, which would encompass our demand for the adoption of the Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP). 


We once again call on the G7 countries to:


  • Work toward adopting and implementing the FFP that are coherent across all external actions, including diplomacy, security and defense, trade, humanitarian assistance and development, and to ensure that their implementation remains accountable to feminist civil society.

  • Ensure the full and effective implementation of UN human rights treaties inter alia CEDAW and its Optional Protocol, the Women Peace and Security Agenda, Youth Peace and Security Agenda, and the Global Compact for Migration.

  • Affirm commitments to the four pillars (participation in peace processes, economic security, leadership and agency, and protection of women’s human rights) of the Women, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action Compact and increase funding across all elements of the Agenda.

  • Reduce military expenditure and comply with the joint statement to control the illicit flow of small and light arms which facilitate the disproportionate impact on women and girls such as trafficking, sexual and gender based violence.

  • Spend 100% of bilateral allocable Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding on programmes targeting or integrating gender equality.

  • Ensure at least 20% of ODA funding is channeled into programmes with gender equality as the principal objective and at least 10% directed at feminist and women-led NGOs, including locally-led organizations, which, we believe, leads to the participation of women in peace-building.


We would like to call on the Government of Japan, as the president of the G7 2023, to consider them seriously and take the leadership to restore peace based on its commitment to the WPS agenda.


Lastly, we strongly demand once again “an Equal, Just, and Peaceful Future” as  expressed  in the title of W7 Communiqué. To this end, we reiterate it is essential to respect and ceaselessly pursue the principle of non-violence.




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